At present there are 7 registered airlines in Vietnam: Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific, Air Mekong, VASCO, Indochina Airlines, VietJetStar and Viet Star Airlines. The first 4 airlines are currently operating both domestic and international flights.
The 100% state-owned Vietnam Airlinesis still the main operator on most routes both within Vietnam and from Vietnam to other international destinations. The company operates flights on most cities in Vietnam and offer quite good services for its size. Vietnam Airlines fleet is painted blue with a yellow lotus at its tail.
Apart from Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific also have frequent flights among Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Cityand Da Nang. While Jetstar is competitive to the national airline in terms of price and service, the frequently delayed departure time have cost them public trust. Jetstar Pacific is co-owned by the State Capital Investment Corporation, Saigontourist and Qantas. According to the Vietnam Tourism Report in 2011, Jetstar Pacific currently shares 23% of Vietnamese market.
Air Mekongis the latest addition to the small collection of airlines in Vietnam. Air Mekong is based in Phu Quoc and offers competitive ticket fare. Its operating routes are denser in the South and Central Highland of Vietnam. There are flights connecting Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands; and with Vietnam Central Highland area